2024 Term 4 Week 8
Principal Report
Our school year is fast coming to a close which means that we are busy, busy, busy! Teachers have begun writing report card comments and assessment is well under way. Please make sure your child is at school every day, unless they are unwell, so that all assessment can be completed on time. Our learning in the hall has been going successfully and the classes are all very settled and happy learning. Please come in and have a look at the set up if you haven’t done so already!
Our school buildings are taking shape with all asbestos removed and the new ceilings, insulation and wiring installed. I am hoping that the project remains on track and that we will be able to begin the 2025 school year back on our school site. However, this won’t be known for sure until we get a bit further into the project so all families will receive communication in mid-January to confirm where school will begin next year. Fingers crossed we’re in our new fancy buildings.
We have lots of events coming up as well. We began our celebrations with a lovely Graduation Dinner on Monday night. The Italian themed food was delicious and the Yr 6 students and families had a great time celebrating this important milestone. Thank you Yr 6 students for sharing this time with staff as well.
On Wednesday 27th & Thursday 28th November (next week) Mr Waples our Instrumental Music teacher will be visiting to conduct recruitment for 2025, mainly with our Yr 3 students. He will be holding a parent meeting at 3pm for those parents interested in having your child/children take part in Instrumental Music next year.
Next Wednesday 27th November we will celebrate our official Graduation liturgy, ceremony and awards night. It will begin at 6pm and will be held here in the Shire Hall. Chairs will be set up in front of the stage. We ask that all families attending bring a plate of food to share afterwards.
Monday 2nd December will be our end of year ‘Gala Performance’. This event will be instead of our traditional carols, and will showcase much of the work we have done throughout the year. We will have singing, dancing, instrumental music, verse speaking and many other talents on show that our students have learnt in both class time and during extra-curricular activities. Doors will open at 6pm. We will confirm dinner options that will be available.
Please make sure that you check the Important Dates part of the newsletter and keep track on Facebook to make sure that you know what is happening and when.
Mrs Cara Haig
Welcome to Week 8! We’ve been incredibly busy!
In English, we’re continuing with persuasive texts. The students loved ‘Don’t Let the Pigeon Drive the Bus’ discussing what they would or wouldn’t let a pigeon drive. We also enjoyed ‘The Day the Crayons Quit’ where the students had to convince me why they so desperately need to keep their crayons. We also read ‘Goldilocks and the Three Bears’ and the students excelled in their assessment, writing sentences to convince me of their favourite character. Lastly, our buddy reading sessions with Grade 1 have been impressive, with preps showing great progress in decoding and increasing their reading fluency.
In Mathematics, we’re consolidating our understanding of numbers up to 20 and beyond, improving addition and subtraction skills, and revisiting subitising. We’ve also reignited our knowledge of 2D shapes, exploring different patterns and shapes.
In HASS, we’ve concluded our unit on family dynamics. The students worked hard to complete a workbook about their families. If you’ve returned the questionnaire, thank you! If not, please return it as soon as possible, as it was due on Wednesday, 13th November.
In Health, we’ve finished our Daniel Morcombe unit with the Year 1 class, where students learned about safety and how to respond in unsafe situations.
Hope you are all doing well.
Miss Sophie Walker

Year 1
As our year gets closer to wrapping up, we are glad to share the continued learning and enjoyment happening in the Year 1 classroom.
In English we have continued our rhyme unit, with students applying their knowledge of language features to understand how authors make texts cohesive and entertaining. The students have almost finished their assessment pieces, with them learning a nursery rhyme which they will add actions to and role-play with partners. I am very excited to see the final products! We have also been continuing our UFLI phonics program and I have to say the overall improvement of the students has been absolutely phenomenal! I am so proud of all their hard work this year and the growth they have shown is something to celebrate. We have been testing this knowledge by engaging in Buddy Reading with the preppies and it has quickly become a highlight of our day! It has been great watching the Year 1’s and preps read together.
In Maths we have been looking at money and how to solve practical problems. We have been introduced to the concept of mathematical modelling which has been something the students are still working on consolidating. To test our skills we have been looking at a variety of problem solving tasks including 3 Act Tasks and worded problems. The Year 1’s will continue this focus over the coming weeks and engage in multiple assessment opportunities to communicate their reasoning.
We have completed our Daniel Morcombe unit for Health which we have been doing with the Prep class. It has been fantastic to see how the students understand the concepts being taught and awareness of the strategies they can use.
As we begin to wind down, we will be working towards our Gala performances and engaging in many fun Christmas craft activities with the Preppies.
Have a fantastic fortnight.
Miss Ellie Charlton
Year 1 Teacher

Year 2
As we approach the final two weeks of the school year, we are excited to share the wonderful learning experiences and achievements of our Grade 2 students.
In English, we are focusing on using personal and possessive pronouns and understanding how to make our writing flow better. The students are becoming more confident in their writing and reading skills. In Maths, we have successfully completed our money assessment and are now practicing place value in relation to money. The students have shown great enthusiasm and understanding in this area.
Our science lessons have been hands-on and creative. The students have made sculptures from everyday natural materials such as sticks, leaves, and flowers. These activities have sparked their curiosity and appreciation for nature.
We have finished our Daniel Morcombe unit, which focused on personal safety and awareness. The students have learned valuable lessons that will help them stay safe. In Religion, we are learning about the significance of Christmas time in the church. The students are exploring the traditions and stories that make this season special.
Our swimming lessons with Miss Maryanne have continued, and the students have shown remarkable improvement in their swimming skills and techniques. Well done to all!
We are currently busy with assessments and report writing. It is crucial for students to attend school regularly to ensure they complete all necessary tasks.
We are practicing for our Christmas liturgy and nativity play, which will take place in Week 10. We would love to see all parents, grandparents, and family members there to support the students.
A big congratulations to all Grade 2 students for their hard work and dedication. They are certainly ready to move on to the Year 3/4 classroom!
Thank you for your continued support.
Miss Grace Carter
Year 2 Teacher

Year 3/4
Dear Parents and Guardians,
As we approach the end of Term 4, our students have been busy with numerous activities and learning experiences.
Our students embarked on an exciting excursion to Yowah, where they explored the opal mines and marveled at the beautiful opals. They also visited the Bluff Lookout, where they enjoyed breathtaking views and learned a lot from our knowledgeable guides, Dan and Cheese. This hands-on experience provided them with valuable insights into geology and local history which are all apart of their Canva website.
This week, students have begun their Maths revision. They are diligently practicing retrieval exercises to consolidate everything they have learned over the past months. This method helps them recall information effectively and prepares them for their upcoming assessments.
In English, students have delved into the world of poetry by studying "The Ant Explorer." They are enjoying exploring the rhythm, rhyme, and creativity involved in poetry writing. This has sparked their imagination and enhanced their appreciation of literary devices. Students will use this knowledge to create their own Christmas poems.
Excitement is building for our gala performance in Week 10. The students are enthusiastically rehearsing their Christmas dance and preparing for their poem recital titled "3/4 Flashback." We can't wait to see their hard work and creativity shine on stage.
As we near the end of the term, we notice some students are becoming tired. It's important they continue attending school regularly to complete their assessments and finish the year on a strong note. Your support in ensuring your child’s attendance is greatly appreciated.
Thank you for your continued encouragement and involvement in your child's education. Let's keep up the momentum as we head into the final fortnight for the year!
Miss Aimee Bretherton
Year 3/4 Teacher

Year 5/6
Welcome to week 8! The countdown has started... with only three weeks left in the year, the anticipation for the year 6 graduates and the upcoming leaders is increasing. We enjoyed a lovely graduation dinner on Monday night, where the students were presented with their graduation shirts and enjoyed a relaxed evening of friends, family and food. Thank you once again to all the people and companies who supported this event!
With graduation and Christmas on the horizon I know many of us are looking towards the future, however, I would like to take a moment to look back. I would like to congratulate all the year 5/6 students on their incredible accomplishments this year. I am so proud of how far they have come in not only their education, but also how they have developed as people. Looking at the year 5/6 class, I see young people who can collaborate, show kindness, be respectful, display service and lead courageously. Their growth this year occurred because of their own goal setting but also because of the support given by the families. So, thank you parents, guardian and families for your ongoing support – you are making a difference!
These past few weeks have been a whirlwind of assessment and graduation and Gala preparations. Students have written Christmas poems that will be produced into original Christmas songs and showcased at the Gala event. The few songs that have already been finalised are incredible and definitely worth a listen. Our light up Christmas cards are now functioning and will be sent home with the students this week. Data has been our mathematical focus, so if you need any help analysing data this week give your child some extra practice and ask them to help you identify the mean, median, mode and range.
All in all, we have had a lovely fortnight, and the students have continued to showcase a high level of pride in their work. Enjoy the week ahead! I look forward to seeing you all at Graduation on Wednesday the 27th of November at 6pm.
Mrs Abby Kindelan
Year 5/6 Teacher

Class Awards



Swimming Days and Times
Tuesday 19th November
- Year 2 – 11.15am – 11.45am
- Year 1 – 11.45am – 12.15pm
- Prep – 12.15pm – 12.45pm
Wednesday 20th November
- Years 3-6 – 2pm – 3pm
Thursday 21st November & Thursday 28th November
- Year 2 – 11.45am – 12.15pm
- Year 1 – 12.15pm – 12.45pm
- Prep – 2.15pm – 2.45pm
Friday 22nd November & Friday 29th November
- Year 3/4- 12.15pm – 12.45pm
- Year 5/6 – 2.15pm – 2.45pm
End of Term Pool Party – Thursday 5th December – 11am – 1pm

Hi everyone!
As the end of year gala quickly approaches, please ensure that if you or your child would like to be part of this performance, they must be attending dance class every week @ Shire Hall!
There will be a roll kept each week to monitor attendance.
Dance class times are:
- Ages 3-4 (Preschool) 3:20-3:45
- Ages 5-6 3:45-4:15
- Ages 7+ 4:15-5:00
Thank you for your continued support!
Miss Bretherton

Uniform Policy
The school uniform represents the pride we have for our children and our school. A smart, neat and user-friendly uniform encourages the children to take pride in their appearance and in the school. The school uniform requirements:

Hats: Our school policy is ‘NO HAT – NO PLAY’. A green school hat must be worn and can be purchased form the office.
Jewellery: The only jewellery allowed is one set of fine studs or sleepers, a chain with some form of religious significance and watches.
Nail Polish: Nail polish is not to be worn.
Hair: Children’s hair must be neat and tidy. If hair is below the collar it needs to be tied back with appropriate white or green accessories. It is expected that hairstyles reflect the code of dress required by the school. The colouring of hair and unusual hairstyles are not acceptable.
Tuition Fees
Term 4 Fees are now overdue, can these please be finalised before Term 4 2024 ends. At Sacred Heart, we have several payment options for your convenience: Cash, Cheque, ETPOS, Direct Debit and Centrepay. For further details on these payment options please see the school office.

Student Protection
At Sacred Heart the safety and wellbeing of our students is our highest priority. All children should grow up free of violence or exploitation and be able to learn in a safe and supported environment. Schools have a number of specific child protection reporting obligations that are detailed in our Student Protection Processes and Guidelines.
It is a legislative requirement that all non-state schools have at least two nominated staff members to whom a student can report the behaviour of another staff member that the student considers inappropriate. We call these specially trained staff members School Student Protection Contacts, or SSPCs. Each SSPC has been nominated by the principal in recognition of their integrity, approachability and knowledge in the area of student protection. Whilst students are encouraged to speak up to any trusted adult in the school community, it is important that they know they can access these specific staff members at any time should they have worries, queries or concerns. You will have noticed posters throughout the school depicting our current SSPCs. The SSPCs are also published on our school website along with information about our student protection processes. In everything we do at Sacred Heart Primary School student safety is our highest priority, therefore the SSPCs at our school are key personnel in our overall safeguarding processes.
If a student wants to talk to someone about harm, abuse or inappropriate behaviour toward themselves or others, they can speak to a trusted staff member or one of our School Student Protection Contacts (SSPCs). The SSPCs receive additional training and are identified in the student protection posters displayed around the school.
Summary documents have been developed for parents and caregivers about our student protection obligations and our broader strategy for maintaining safe school environments.
Further information on all of the above topics can be found on the Toowoomba Catholic Schools website at the link below:
Embed Link - https://www.twb.catholic.edu.au/parents-and-community/student-protection/
Our Schools Student Protection Contacts are:
- Miss Ailie Lewis (APRE)
- Mrs Carolyn Crick (Administration Officer)
- Mr Jesse Kupper (School Guidance Counsellor)
- Mrs Cara Haig (Co-Principal)
2025 Prep Enrolment

School SZapp
The school has the SZapp available for down loading. This app is great for finding out what is happening at school. The newsletter goes directly to the app and notifications come straight from school. The instructions are as follows.

You can ONLY order Tuckshop on the App. Please down load the Flexischools App.
Flexischools App
The tuckshop uses the App called Flexischools. This will make ordering and paying for Tuckshop easier. Attached are the instructions to download and use the App. Make sure you update your child's class name.

Community Events

Important Dates