
Students at Sacred Heart Primary School enjoy a wide range of co-curricular activities that help to enhance their learning.
Student enjoy trying out new sports, arts and performance experiences that help them to grow as an individual, work in a team and spend time with children in other year levels.
Co-curricular opportunities at Sacred Heart include
- instrumental music lessons and opportunities for public performances and at Eisteddfods
- middle school participation in the Thargomindah sports camp
- swimming lessons in Term 1 and Term 4
- athletics, swimming and cross-country carnivals
- district athletics and swimming carnivals and opportunities in netball, touch football, rugby league and tennis
- regional and state trial sporting opportunities
- visiting sporting clinics in netball and basketball
- Year 6 camp to Canberra
- school excursions and in-school visits
- biennial school musical production
- visiting performances from a range of cultural groups.